Yorks & Biewers in Estonia

Kennel & Grooming

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Dogshow 27.07.2019

Posted: 06.08.2019 20:20

I want to share the achievements of our kennel dogs at the show in Vanamõisa, 2 * CAC. Judge Jetta Tschokkinen, Finland.

York Jefim, 5 months - the best puppy of breed, best. He was very beautiful in the ring, calmly and with dignity waited for the best for more than two hours in the heat.

Competition Junior Handler, a group of up to 10 years - 1 Place! (Judge Kalvo Kriisk). With a biewer, Johnny (14 months), a novice handler performed, 9 years old. .

Excellent results of our dogs, boys is smarties!
